SEO Competitor Analysis: A Step-By-Step Guide

SEO Competitor Analysis: A Step-By-Step Guide

If you are looking to improve your rankings on Search engine Results pages (SERPs) It is crucial to conduct an analysis of SEO’s competition to find out where your Competition positions and for which rankings and for what keywords. If you are aware of how your competitors rank well, and also what opportunities they’re not taking advantage of You can leverage these insights to improve your own rankings, and consequently the organic traffic you get. An approach that is proactive to SEO analysis of competitors will help you understand:

  • Where Keyword Opportunities are
  • What kind of content do people are able to find using specific keywords?
  • What SEO strategies are successful against your competition in the space?
  • What areas should you focus your efforts to maximize conversions

Utilize the SEO competition analysis manual to discover the advantages that competitor analysis can bring to SEO and how to implement it successfully.

Table of Contents

How To Do SEO Competitor Analysis Using Keywords Everywhere

How do you analyze SEO competitors?

Competitive analysis is a method of identifying brands and websites which rank higher than you in SERPs for highly-valued queries that are related to your service, product or company. Knowing what’s working against your competition allows you to apply the knowledge to your SEO strategy. You may have performed competitive analysis on everything from the development of products to marketing strategies to identify opportunities and ideas to enhance.

What is the significance of an SEO Competitor Analysis so important?

Keep your family members close and your adversaries close. By using SEO’s competitive analysis, you’ll be able to observe where your competitors are spending their time and money, and also how they’re reacting to industry developments. As important, analyzing competitor SEO can help you identify areas of weakness in your competitors’ strategies. No matter what the scenario you are able to draw inspiration from your findings to develop new content and to target keywords with high impact.

When should I conduct an SEO analysis on my competitors?

We recommend conducting an competitive SEO review at least once each year, perhaps every quarter, based on your business and the degree of competition. Be careful not to draw numerous conclusions from the study. Be aware that your competition isn’t always perfect and aren’t always doing things right constantly. Take their approach as an example without attempting to copy them.

How can you conduct an analysis of SEO competitors?

Get started learning from your competitors by following these simple steps.

1. Find your SEO competitors

The first step to the competitive SEO evaluation is to discover who your competition are. The simplest method to do this is to jot down the names of all the competitors you can instantly recognize. Both your direct and indirect competitors fall under this category.

  • Direct rivals are businesses that offer comparable services, goods, or software to your own and that you are probably aware of. For instance, let’s say you’re a store selling kitchen supplies which sells a particular type of can opener. When you type “can openers” in a search engine such as Google there will be other retailers selling can openers within the SERP. They are your immediate competitors in business.
  • While they may not offer a comparable good, service, or piece of software, companies and websites that you compete with for SERP ranks are known as indirect competitors. They can be encyclopedias or websites that provide news, or social media websites such as Pinterest and content creation websites such as YouTube or even bloggers themselves.

Start by searching high-value keywords and then see what results the SERP shows. You might be amazed by the websites which rank above your site. Solutions such as Conductor’s Explorer feature provide a comprehensive overview of the most current SEO competitor research and analysis to determine how the web pages on your site are performing in comparison to your competition.

Be aware that you could find yourself in competition with huge companies and brands that are difficult to compete against. For instance, you will not want to compete on too many terms with Amazon. Choose your battles carefully.

2. Identify your most important keywords

In this moment, you may already have a clear idea of the keywords you’re focusing on and which ones are the most crucial to help you drive steady organic traffic. However, if you’re not currently monitoring keywords, or uncertain about which keywords are relevant, you should check out the keywords analysis guide to start.

Search intent is revealed of content from competitors through keyword research

The most significant thing you can discover from studying the keywords of your competition is that you’ll be able to begin to understand whatthey’re using these keywords and the search-related purpose they’re attempting to satisfy. If you are able to see why your competitors focus on specific areas, you’ll be able to identify areas where you’re not getting in terms of content. However, you can also discover ways to improve the content they’re offering and discover a potential angle that they might have missed.

For instance, you might see that a competitor’s website has a fantastic article about choosing the best kitchen appliances, but they didn’t tackle a specific issue related to the subject or even specifically target “people also ask” questions on Google. This can help you identify both long and short-term keywords worthwhile to target and provides you with an idea of the subjects you could offer your unique perspective on, as well as which ones are worthy of fighting.

3. Find out about your competition’s SEO strategy

In the real world, we suggest to approach the response you give towards SEO competitive analysis by using SWOT (Strengths Strengths, Weaknesses Opportunities and threats) framework.

  • Your opponents’ strengths
  • Their flaws
  • Chances to duplicate their strengths and exploit their shortcomings on your website
  • What areas your competition is in danger of to surpass you and how you can improve on the areas where they are threatening to outperform you.

One of the most crucial things to keep in mind when conducting a successful analysis of competitive issues is not to make assumptions about anything. Utilize your SWOT structure to direct your thought process when you conduct your competitor analysis for SEO. To plan your work, you should create with an Excel spreadsheet, and then use Google as well as the SEO platform, such as Conductor to collate the following data.

Competitors Top-performing content

It’s pretty simple It’s pretty simple, and in this process it is recommended to utilize Google as well as your search engine, to find the articles as well as pages on which your competitors are ranked very well. After that, look at the way your content is matched with yours. This will provide you with an idea of the questions to focus on and which ones could not be worth the effort currently. For instance, if notice that a big brand, such as Amazon or Microsoft has especially strong content on a particular area, you might not be able to devote the time and effort to compete with the big companies.

Competitors Content marketing strategies

Then, you’ll be able to recognize certain aspects of the content your competitors are using and their distribution strategy. In particular, you’ll notice the types of content they prefer to concentrate on, such as thoughts-leadership, long-form, skyscraper-style glossaries, content, or regular blog posts.

Also consider looking at the formats that your competition is using to present their content. Do they typically have written articles or do they typically use infographics or videos? A different format to your content may be the key difference of your own content from that of a competitor, and can assist you in creating content that ranks highly in SERPs.

Pay attention to the volume of content the competition creates as well as how long it tends to last, and the general high-quality of the content you publish. These factors will affect the position of your content. Keep in mind, Google encourages content that meets the user’s search purpose, so creating well-written, quality content could be the key to being able to stand out from your competitors in SERPs.

Competitors’ content distribution strategies

In this phase you must learn how your competitors market the content they distribute and who is the owner of the content strategy of your competitors. Marketers are often vocal on social media. This is a fantastic opportunity to gain insight into your competition, as well as their the search strategy generally. This can help you figure out the extent of threat the competitor is actually.

Then, you should take time to study how competitors market their content and if they’re proficient at this. Are tweets to the latest content pieces garner significant attention? Do they feature quotes or shoutouts from prominent influencers? Are they skilled in PR? Are they working with a PR agency? These questions will in understanding your competitors’ strategies so you can determine what to imitate and where you can make improvements so that you don’t get left behind.

Competitors’ SERP strategy

In this process take a look at how your competitors are displaying in search results, and what this could mean about their overall strategy. Are they appearing frequently in Highlighted snippets of text ? Do they use FAQ schemas in their writing? Do they feature in image carousels? This information will show you what your competitors are interested in and allows you to adjust your strategies to stay ahead or be aware of their mistakes.

Competitors’ backlinking strategy

In this stage you should think about these questions. How can my competitors get links? Do you think they’re buying link? Are they guest-posting? Have they got “superfans” that they collaborate closely with? Do they buy sites with lots of links, and then incorporate into their own website? Building links to high-quality websites is a part of the foundation of a strong SEO. The higher the quality of your link backs will be, the better your chances of ranking in SERPs. Look at the way your competitors are performing by using their links to determine whether there’s a need for improvement.

The process of analyzing the competitive landscape usually requires a considerable upfront effort. The SEO analysis of competitors can be a continual process that should be conducted regularly since SERPs are extremely dynamic.

Find out your content gap with your competitors

In the next step, you’ll need to discover keywords that your others are ranking for, but you’re not. This is known as an competitive gap. For each competitor begin to look into what you have to accomplish to close the content gap according to the keywords you wish to target and their intent to search, and the content needed to meet that search intent. Find out what topics you’ll need to tackle in order to bridge the gap. But, remember that your competition will be in the top positions for keyword rankings and will be covering topics that aren’t pertinent to you, therefore you might want to avoid those topics.

Take these steps to determine your content gaps and those of other competitors and what you could improve:

  • Complete a Analysis of the gap in content of your of your
  • Conduct a similar analysis of competitor content
  • Find out what must done to close the gap to create the content you need to your website, design content that competitors don’t possess or don’t rank for, and/or develop content that is superior to the competition.

In the same manner as the three steps outlined above, you’ll need to examine the links of your competitors and see where there are gaps in your own link profiles. It will begin to be apparent to you when you’re conducting a gap analysis, but you should really pay attention to the sites that link your competitors.

Keep in mind that Google’s algorithm updated regularly. Pages that rank on Page 1. This month’s keyword could fall to page 2 or worse the following. But, backlinks coming from quality, relevant authoritative websites are always a great way to improve the rankings of your site and increasing organic traffic.

6. Be aware of the health of your technical website

To maximize the value of the SEO competitors analysis you must be aware of your website’s technical state both inside and out. A poor technical SEO can be detrimental to your site. Website health make the difference between getting ranked in the top five on SERPs, and in the top 50 SERPs. Google is committed to giving consumers the fastest and most effective experience possible. Therefore, if your website slows to load or isn’t as mobile-friendly as the other sites there’s a good chance that your website will fall in the SERPs.

There is no doubt that the health of your website and its technical SEO strategy are vital to rankings organic traffic, as well as your the overall SEO strategy.

steps to follow after you have completed your Analyse of SEO competitors

Once you have completed your competitor SEO study, it time to get started to enhance your website. develop new content based on the findings. In real life, this looks like:

Create and optimize your content based on your research findings

Your research ought to have revealed a variety maybe even dozens of opportunities to enhance your content to be more competitive. You should have also turned up a number of opportunities to create content better than what’s available. Discuss those opportunities together with the team and then prioritize the keywords with the highest impact and wins quickly that can assist you in leapfrogging your competition on SERPs.

If you’re writing new content or enhancing what’s already available, take a look at the most successful content your competitors are producing Keep in mind the keywords you use and use effective tools to create content such as Conductor’s Content Guidance feature. Find ways that you can make improvements to the content, whether that’s making use of more recent data to inform the content you create or by incorporating visuals to bring more people to the page or more research on the subject using greater industry knowledge or new research. After that, you can promote your new content to the same market to the one your competitors are targeting.

This strategy could help you:

  • Engage a new and interested audience
  • Be connected to other websites. Some of them might even exchange the link of a competitor to your best piece of content
  • If you decide to improve existing pages or to create brand new material, these methods will help you get higher rankings within Google SERPs.

Be aware that Google favors content of the highest quality that is pertinent to search-related intent. The aim for each piece of content is to create the finest piece you can, and do it and your rankings will be a natural consequence.

Make your website more technical and improve its health

Explore your website’s technical health and keep an watch on it throughout the day using solutions such as Content King that analyzes every page of your website throughout the day and immediately informs you of any problems so that you can act before your traffic is affected.

Be on the lookout for Google updates

Nothing could throw an errant wrench in SEO practices as an Google algorithm change. On one day, you could have good rankings, and the next, you might be in the bottom of SERPs. To make things more complicated, no one is sure the date Google will release an important update and it’s not clear the effect of an update could be.

Track your competitors and the progress they make

You know what you’re doing against your competitors and have begun to improve your plan, it’s time to tackle the tough portion, and that’s remaining steady. To remain ahead of the curve it is essential to be able to track your competitors and your own performance. Beware of spending too much time and energy on SEO competitive analysis. The strategies of your competition aren’t always reliable organic and SEO traffic changes frequently. Make use of your competitors’ strategies as an inspiration but don’t leave it there.

Conductor allows you to use Conductor’s Conductor platform to keep track of the performance of your competitors by domain pages, pages, keywords and featured snippets and even whether they have started to rank for new keywords. You can also look at the market share of a particular keyword to give you a complete overview of your competition and the amount of work is required to get your website ranking higher. We suggest spending a few minutes every month searching to see new rivals.

In the end, you’ll have to keep track of your progress in closing the gap between you and your competitors in terms of the quality of your content and links by regularly reviewing your ranking and traffic and any changes you observe. Actually the Conductor Platform allows you to generate reports that monitor your progress which are automatically sent weekly. Keep in mind your competition’s sites as well as the XML sitemaps to find out the latest content released and revised.

Pros of SEO Competitor Analysis:

1. Aids in identifying strategies of competitors and areas in which they’re outperforming.

2. Helps understand trends in the industry and measuring against competitors.

3. Offers insight into the backlink profile and aids in developing linking strategies.

4. It allows the creation for data-driven SEO strategies that allow you to remain ahead of the game.

Cons of SEO Competitor Analysis:

1. It can take a lot of time to gather and analyze the data of competitors in detail.

2. Could require access to high-end tools or services for an in-depth analysis.

3. The risk of focusing too much on the competition instead of unique value propositions.

4. Inability to accurately assess the effectiveness of strategies employed by competitors.

5. It is possible to fall into the cycle of continuous analysis, limiting creativity and innovation in the development of strategies.

A summary of SEO’s competitive analysis

In the simplest terms it’s crucial to improve the rankings of your site and increasing organic traffic, however it’s not fully completed. Conducting an analysis of competitors within SEO with a comprehensive and ongoing process can provide you an edge in your SEO efforts as well as help you get a better understanding of your business. A cutting-edge SEO technology platform such as Conductor is a tool in your arsenal of marketing technology and will give you a significant competitive edge in your industry in the short as well as the long-term.


  1. 1. How can you use competitor analysis? SEO?

    Analysis of competitors in SEO involves studying and analyzing how strategies are implemented and their performance by your competition to discover areas for improvement in your own SEO efforts.

  2. 2. What is the significance of competitor analysis to SEO?

    The analysis of competitors is essential for SEO as it allows you to comprehend your competition and find areas where you can increase your competitive edge and stay ahead of market trends.

  3. 3. How can I conduct a competitor analysis to SEO?

    To carry out an analysis of competitors for SEO Start by determining your primary rivals. You can then analyze their website content including backlink profile, the keywords they use, along with their overall ranking.

  4. 4. What tools do I need to use to conduct an analysis of my competitors in SEO?

    There are a variety of tools available to conduct an analysis of competitors in SEO including SEMrush, Ahrefs, Moz and SpyFu.

  5. 5. What is the best time to do an analysis of competitors for the SEO strategy of my website?

    It is highly recommended to carry out an analysis of competitors for your SEO strategy at least every quarter to be aware of the actions of your competition and adapt your strategy to reflect this.

  6. 6. What are the most important measures to be considered when doing the analysis of competitor data in SEO?

    The most important indicators to consider when conducting an analysis of competitors for SEO comprise organic search traffic levels, keywords rankings and backlink profile quality and social media presence.

  7. 7. Do I have the ability to learn from my competitors’ success and failures by analyzing the analysis of SEO competitors?

    If you conduct an exhaustive competition analysis SEO You will not only gain insight from your competitors’ success but also find areas of weakness or gaps that you can use to enhance your SEO strategy.

  8. 8. How can I make use of the knowledge gained from competitor analysis to boost the SEO performance of my site?

    You can benefit from the knowledge that you gain from an analysis of competitors by adopting best practices learned from your most successful competitors, optimizing keywords based upon their performance information, constructing quality backlinks that are comparable to the ones of your top competitors, as well as continuously monitoring and changing your strategy in response to competitive shifts.


My name is Janet Jackson Seo and I work as a SEO Expert. I appreciate the process of developing an innovative approach and employing logic, particularly when it concerns future studies and SEO optimization. As an SEO expert I have known how to set up SEO campaigns fully and how to monitor their achievements.